Folder mod.3041

FOLDER mod.3041

  • Infeed fixed structure designed to anchor the entire line.
  • Independent D/C motor drive
  • Two upper lateral arms with motor driven movement serving to support the upper carton conveyor belts.

Two lower lateral arms with motor driven movement, integrated with the upper arms, to support:

  • the lower carton conveyor beltr (configurating sandwich fashion with shaped bars in the first section of the folder);
  • folding bars;
  • folding guides in the mid section;
  • folding belts in the final section
  • Folding with shaped bars in the first section.
  • Final folding with adjustable speed belts, for optium alignment.
  • Electronic gluer with programmer fitted opposite the carton joining flap .
  • Pre-set microprocessor setting of the fold arms and of gluer unit with eventually computer control .